W3C news
This week, the W3C announced two interesting bits of news, news I’d like to share with you.
The World Wide Web Consortium announced yesterday that it has formally adopted the next version of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) as an official recommendatio. This is a big step towards eWCAG 2 becoming a web standard. The creation of the WCAG 2.0 specification has been a long and arduous process, but the W3C promised to show a result by the end of this year. And so they have.
11 December 2008 — Today W3C announces a new standard that will help Web designers and developers create sites that better meet the needs of users with disabilities and older users. Drawing on extensive experience and community feedback, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 improve upon W3C’s groundbreaking initial standard for accessible Web content. [source:W3C press release]
The W3C hails WCAG 2.0 as the “Standard that Defines Accessibility for Next Generation Web“. the impact of WCAG 2.0 is big, on websites that need to conform to accessibility standards like governement and educaion websites, and for quality frameworks such as the Dutch Web Guidelines -where I work. W3C has listed a number of documents in their press release explaining the impact on various aspects such as design and changes from WCAG 1.0.
W3C validators need your money!
In other W3C news, Molly Holzschlag -the well known and respected web standards guru- posted a call for community support for the much used W3C validator services. Apparently, the W3C’s validator services cost so much in infrastructure and bandwidth, tha this is too much of a strain on the W3C budget. So they launched the Validator Donation and Sponsorship Campaign. Molly explains:
It works like this:
- Donor: A donor is anyone interested in donating money to the cause. A micropayment of 1.00 USD if the validator “saves your day” can be very helpful!
- Sponsor: A sponsor is a company or organization that donates to the W3C
- Community Fundraising: There are two badges available at the W3C that link to the fundraising page. If you support the validator, encourage others by placing a badge on your site and blogging about the topic
- Time Not Money: If you cannot or do not wish to donate money, your time is as or even more valuable. There are opportunities to help the W3C maintain and grow validation services.
So if you’re a regular user of the validator services, please help out and show your support!